Friday, July 17, 2009

Technology: Beast of Burden?

We recently moved to a location that has limited cell phone capability, no cable and no internet. While this information was known before we moved, we thought we could figure something out: surely somehow we could have these luxuries only 30 minutes from our previous address? But after three weeks of having to stand outside to make phone calls and having "hit or miss" internet, we've come to the realization that we live in the "boonies."

But I've learned a few things.What I've learned from not having hi-speed internet is that I'm very focused while I'm online. No more aimless clicking around - get in and get out.

What I've learned from not having a cell phone for a week (had to sell mine on ebay): it was kinda nice having an excuse to be unavailable. Please don't get me call (I live out in the boonies remember? I need to connect with the outside!) but when I couldn't make that call...oh, well. It gave me an excuse to say "no" because I had to.

My point is, being disconnected wasn't so bad. The pressure to make the call, send that email and so on, was gone. My focus was re-directed to what I "could" do. Play with kids, cook that Rhubarb pie, plant that flower, organize that room. It was a return to a simpler time...ok, it wasn't Little House on the Prairie...but it was kinda nice.

So, if you are reading this now and have other things you should be doing, I give you permission to turn off your computer, "x" out of your cell browser and experience what is around you with your five senses - five senses for five minutes. Then, send me a text with your cell number because I couldn't save my old contacts!

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